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Accident Free Days Counter App - User manual

The Accident Free Days Counter App can be used for counting safe days. Here is the user manual for sharing inside Your company

Katariina avatar
Written by Katariina
Updated over 6 months ago

The Accident Free Days Counter App can be used with a pc or a mobile device. Company's Admin grants the permissions to the Accident Free Days Counter App. One person can have access to one or several Counter Apps.

The Accident Free Days Counter App is a browser based application, used via a personal link on. Each Counter App and user has its own link. Supported browsers are Google Chrome and MS Edge.

The features are

  • Add an accident, record an accident description.
    The maximum number of characters is 255 characters.

    Keep track of Accidents and count the accident free days on both the counter and the info screen.

  • Modify calendar
    Add and/or Delete weekend, or other to keep track of actual accident-free days

  • Change language

    Options are English or Finnish (Suomeksi?)

Start using the Accident Free Days Counter App

You have received an email from containing a web link to operate the Counter App.

TIP! Save the link as a Favourite

  • to the browser by clicking the star icon on the right side of the browser address bar or

  • in a mobile as a Starting page.

    Chrome / Edge browsers are supported.

Using the Counter App from a smart phone:

If you want to use the Counter App from your mobile phone, save the link as your mobile phone's starting page. Double-click the icon to access it.

Record a new accident

Double-click the icon on your phone to open it.

  1. Make sure the Add an accident is active, i.e. colored blue

  2. Add the Description of the accident to the free text field.

    Click the Date field to choose the date of the incident.

  3. Click ADD to save the incident

    The counter resets to zero incidents

App settings determine whether the description is displayed on the info screen or not. The App settings are managed by company's "Valotalive Admins"

Application shows the previous incident records.

Using the Counter App from a pc:

Go to the user specific URL (link sent to you via email) and open the page.

  1. Make sure the Add an accident text is active, i.e. colored blue.

  2. Add the Description of the accident to the free text field.

    Click the Date field to choose the date of the incident.

  3. Click ADD to save the incidentAdd an accident

    The counter resets to zero incidents

    App settings determine whether the description is displayed on the info screen or not. The App settings are managed by company's "Valotalive Admins"

    Application shows the previous incident records.

Modify calendar

When the Modify calendar is selected another view opens.

With Calendar view you can manage calendar exceptions, i.e. what days are counted to the numbers. Preset of counting the weekends and Finnish holidays in or out to the numbers is managed by company Admins.

With the Add exception button you can specify the days when the normal calendar is not valid, such as deviating holidays (Worksite closed), or alternatively deviating working days (Workplace forced open).

Specify the start date, and the end date.

You can add the reason for the deviation.

Close /open the worksite's calendar for the selected period.

You can choose (Finnish) public holidays to be left out from the calculation if you like. The setting "Override all holidays..." can be used if you like to override the (Finnish) public holidays for the selected period.

Save the change.

The Accident Free Counter App - User manual optimized for printing is available per request from Valotalive Support.

For Finnish speaking customers: Ohje saatavilla myös suomeksi.

For further reading:

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