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Claim a Display - Display Pair Process with pc

You can pair a Chrome device to Valotalive with the Claim a Display function. This article explains how it is done.

Leonie avatar
Written by Leonie
Updated over a week ago

First steps:

Make sure that the Chrome device you are using has Valotalive in some form applied to it: Device is either

a) enrolled in Google Admin with the Valotalive Kiosk Application as an available function (=remotely managed device)


b) Valotalive My Display extension is installed to the Chrome browser.
Valotalive My Displays can be installed from the Chrome web store
(=locally managed device, only limited remote tools available).

Getting the Chrome device and the Display ready

  1. Connect the Display and the Chrome device to each other with a cable (HDMI)

  2. Turn on the Display and the Chrome device

    • Make sure that the Chrome device connects to the network either with an ethernet cable or with Wi-Fi.

  3. Once the connection has established, the Display should look like this with a logo of Valotalive or your company's in the middle.

    Below you can find a PIN, an eight-character long unique ID that pairs your Display with the Valotalive management tool.

    This PIN will be needed further down in the process:

Claim a Display

Claim a Display is for pairing Valotalive cloud and a Chrome OS media player together.

  1. Login to Valotalive


  3. PIN: Add the eight-character long PIN code that can be seen on the physical Display to the PIN field

  4. Fill in the rest of the fields:

    1. Player name (red field, required)

    2. Building (optional)

    3. Street (optional)

    4. City (optional)

    5. Country (optional)

  5. Click CLAIM THE DISPLAY on the bottom of the page

  6. Complete the work by adding contents to the Display

Read more about adding the App to a Flow or directly to a Display.

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