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Naming conventions in Valotalive
Naming conventions in Valotalive

How to name your Apps and Flows? How about Display naming? This article covers our tips for naming conventions in Valotalive.

Katariina avatar
Written by Katariina
Updated over 2 months ago

When you start activating your content Apps, Flows and getting started with the Displays we recommend the following best practices that will help you maintain your fleet over a longer period of time.

Naming the Apps

Best practices for naming your Apps is to use location and /or description of the content in question. The following example is for a company operating in several countries:

Location as the basis for naming - Where is it targeted?

Naming is formed based where the content Apps output is targeted to:

  • UK London SharePoint Local news

  • SP Madrid Power BI outputs total
    --> Start with an abbreviation of the country, followed by the specific location of the display (city) and last the data shown

  • All locations (internal) My Content channel

    --> Start with the targeted displays (=All internal displays on all locations), followed by the content tool's name.

Use case as the basis for naming - What is this all about?

Naming is formed based on what this content is all about:

  • SharePoint News Global channel

  • HR Teams announcements

  • Power BI sales output

Naming of the Flows

We recommend following the same principle with flows as you are using with App naming.

Location as the basis for naming - Where is it targeted?

Naming is formed based where the contents are visible - and whether the content is for the internal or external audience:

  • UK London flow (internal)

  • SP Madrid lobby flow

  • All locations (internal) flow

Tip! Use the word "flow" on the name as it helps you to identify where you are in the service.

Naming of the Displays

Display names should include some information where the displays will be located. And also information about audience if available. E.g. is the display content targeted to the visitors of the company (external) or is it for company employees (internal).

If your company uses

  • Acme Corp US Preoria Cafeteria 3rd floor

  • Wonka Ind MX Monterrey Lobby (External)

  • UK London 3rd fl Cafeteria [Acme.22.03]

If your company has IDโ€™s with display names we recommend not to remove or change them, if you change the location of the display. These ID's help us identify quicker which display has problems, if those should arise.

E.g. [Acme.22.03] states:

Acme = which company / group of companies these devices belong to

22 = year of enrollment

03 = consecutive numbering, unique to each individual device

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