Do you have content, like a lunch menu, that needs to show up regularly but not all the time? This guide will show you how to schedule content to appear on your Flow daily or weekly using
What is a Flow?
Think of a Flow as a playlist for your displays. You can add different content "Apps" to your Flow and control how often they appear.
Scheduling for Daily or Weekly Needs
There are two ways to control how often content appears in a Flow:
Weights: This lets you adjust how much screen time an App gets compared to others.
Scheduling: This lets you set specific days and times for content to appear.
Login to as first steps to manage visibility in a Flow.
Find the Flow you need to adjust
Scroll down to locate or
Use Search tool
Open the flow for editing by double-clicking the white area and start to operate the contents in a Flow
Scheduling contents on a Flow
This example shows how a Lunch menu is scheduled.
This content, Lunch menu, is seen only before and during lunch time.
Modify the weight to be as it should be most of the time.
In the Lunch menu example “Content is off” is the pre-defined setting for most timesClick the ADD SCHEDULE
Add Weekdays by clicking on the white area.
Choose which days you want the content to be seen.Add the hours by typing, and click the orange area to choose the hours
Modify the Weight
Repeat if needed
Complete with OK
And once set the scheduling should look something like this:
Save your changes from the top right corner:
NOTE! After saving the Flow is showing settings on a local time.
Testing, Testing!
The Flow editor shows settings in your local time. To see how your schedule looks live, use the TEST CLOCK tool in the top right corner:
For further read: