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Power BI Embed - Share your reports securely

Power BI Embed app let's you share the Power BI data with people who actually care about the data in a secure way.

Katariina avatar
Written by Katariina
Updated over 8 months ago

Valotalive Power BI Embed app makes it possible to choose a Power BI Report and share the report even with people who are non-paid Power BI users (or people with no access at all).

Valotalive Power BI Embed key features are:

✔ Share a Power BI Report and display it as an embed app

✔ Multiple options for app settings: Choose whether to show or not Filters, Pane, Status bar etc when the app is opened

Prerequisites for Valotalive Power BI Embed app

  1. Power BI Embed app requires an active MS Power BI license

  2. A security layer is set up before the activation of the Power BI Embed app. Options to choose from are:

    1. IP Block or

    2. SSO

      Without a security layer the Valotalive Power BI Embed app will not be able to display report data.

Authenticate and activate MS Power BI Embed App


Start with authentication:

  1. Go to My account / Service Integrations

  2. Locate Microsoft Power BI v2

  3. Click to Authorize and authenticate Valotalive with OAuth

    If you run into problems when trying to authorize please check this article:

Select the add on service

  1. Go to the Shop

  2. Locate the Microsoft PowerBI Embed and select it

    Power BI Embed at Valotalive Shop

  3. Choose the subscription to activate the add on

Activating the Embed app

Choose APPS > NEW EMBEDDED APP (left side panel)

Locate Microsoft Power BI Embed and click Choose this app

Configuring Power BI Embed

  1. Name your app

    Click the "pen" on top of the page and name your App.

    Best practice:
    Use a descriptive name that helps you to identify what this app is used for.

  2. Power BI Report

    Select the report you want to display:

    1. Choose a workspace (My Workspace or Shared Workspaces you have access to)

    2. Choose a report

  3. Power BI pane: Page navigation (Visible /Hidden)

    Show navigation on Power BI. Disabling page navigation is not a secure way to hide data on the report. The data is still accessible to tech-savvy users.

  4. Power BI pane: Filters (Hidden / Visible / Visible & Expanded)

    Show filter pane on Power BI. Hiding filter panel is not a secure way to hide data on the report. The data is still accessible to tech-savvy users.

  5. Power BI Status bar (Visible /Hidden)

    Status bar enables zoom on Power BI

  6. Power BI pane: Visualizations (Hidden / Visible / Visible & Expanded)


    1. Power BI pane: Bookmarks (Visible /Hidden)

    2. Power BI pane: Fields (Hidden / Visible / Visible & Expanded)

    3. Power BI pane: Selection (Visible /Hidden)

    4. Power BI pane: Sync Slicers (Visible /Hidden)

    5. Background (Use report's background / Transparent)

    6. Filter to useMax amount:6

      • Table

      • Column

      • Filter type

      • Operator

      • Values

    7. Enter Power BI report UUID manually

      This value will supersede selected report and you only need to use this if you cannot find your report via drop-down menu

  7. Copy the link

    Finalize with copying the link from the Embed app and adding the link to the location where it will be shared.

Note! If the security layer is not set up the app will not display the report data.

Security layer can be either access via particular IP's or SSO.

Setting up the IP Block:

Setting up SSO is a mini project, read more:

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