Use Google Sheets data to add metrics and visualisations to workspaces across organisations. Share alerts instantly where you know everyone will see them.
App main features
✔ Choose the right file from your Google Drive without the need to make your sheet public
✔ Secure authenticate using Google Sign In
✔ Easy to use with integration with choose from Google Drive
App settings
✔ Set the desired tab and data Range
✔ Enable automated scrolling if needed
✔ Enable automated width if needed
✔ Create multiple apps out of one Google sheet to target the right content to the right people
Google Sheets - Activate and use
Easiest way for activating a content App is from Valotalive Dashboard. Just click the icon of the content you wish to activate and proceed. More detailed info of the first steps can be found here:
Settings on the Apps' Configuration tab
Authorize using OAuth2 Authorization
Note: During your first Google authorization you must select what Valotalive has access to. By default nothing is selected, and you will need to choose 'select all' or the authorization will fail.
Choose the Google Sheet you want to use
Data range from the sheet
Type in the data range you wish to show.
Example: To show contents from Sheet1 with data range B1:C9 type in: Sheet1!B1:C9
NOTE! Sheet name cannot have spacing as Word Spacing is not supported.
E.g. Sheet January!B1:C9 does not work, data cannot be fetched.
But SheetJanuary!B1:C9 will work.Time to show one screenful
Use a value starting from 10-15 seconds and count how long does it take to absorb the screenful
How many screenfuls should be scrolled
Show grid borders
Use a contrast color if you want grid borders to show.
Cell border color
Use a contrast color if you want cell borders to show.
Scale the content on screen to fit the width
"Yes" is in most cases the best option for this field.
Rename the App
Rename the app by clicking the name on top of the page.
The best practice is to name the App to match the selected data source, in this case the name of the Google Sheets file you are using.
Complete the work by adding the app to a flow or directly to a display.
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