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MS Teams App - Show the main messages from Teams channels
MS Teams App - Show the main messages from Teams channels

Keep everyone up to date with Teams and increase the reach of your Teams messages and announcements to digital displays.

Kaijus avatar
Written by Kaijus
Updated over 8 months ago

Valotalive’s Teams app automatically shows the main messages from a selected Teams channel on your Digital Signage Displays. Reach employees in new places with the most important messages in Teams. Use Valotalive Teams App to reach even those employees without immediate access to a computer.

Valotalive MS Teams app main features

✔ Team & Channel: Filter your content by selecting relevant Team & channel to follow updates

✔ MS Authentication: Secure integration using Entra ID authentication & Microsoft APIs (Entra ID is previously known as Azure AD)

✔ Design: Showing one message at a time for best possible viewing experience

✔ Easy to post: Type your message as a new conversation. Use titles, paragraph and other formations to craft an engaging message

✔ Images supported

✔ Videos supported

Activate MS Teams app

Easiest way for activating a content App is from Valotalive Dashboard. Just click the icon of the content you wish to activate and proceed.

Valotalive MS Teams app - share the main posts on your digital displays

More detailed info of the first steps can be found here:

Settings on the Apps' Configuration tab

  1. Authorize using OAuth2 Authorization

    Note! MS Teams can be authorized by an user with Global Administrator permissions in Entra ID

    Need admin approval?

    If you are prompted about needing admin approval these articles might help you:

  2. Call to Action
    Type down your call to action, eg. Read more from Teams channel X-Y-Z

  3. Number of last posts to show
    Choose how many of the latest posts to show.

    Best practice is to use the channel's average post number within one (1) week for this setting. It allows all necessary posts to rotate, but keeps the contents fresh.

  4. Microsoft Teams channel
    Choose the team and the channel you want to follow.

  5. Duration
    How many seconds should the app be visible.

    Best practice is between 12-20 seconds depending how much information the average post contains.

  6. Rename the App

    Rename the app by clicking the name on top of the page.

    The best practice is to name the App to match the selected data source, in this case the name of the MS Teams channel you are pulling messages from.

Complete the work by adding the app to a flow or directly to a display.

For further reading:

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