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My Content Channel - Activate and use

My Content Channel is a modern content publishing tool for digital signage. Publish messages on the go using a mobile or a laptop.

Leonie avatar
Written by Leonie
Updated over 8 months ago

My Content Channel is the publishing tool for content managers that enables a content manager (editor) to publish messages on the go using a mobile or a laptop.

App main features

✔ Adjustable display time for your channels and posts

✔ Support for multiple formats:

  • Images. .jpeg .png .gif .svg .pdf

  • Videos: .mp4 .mov .avi .ogg

  • Text: Format your message using titles, paragraph, bullets and more

✔ Unlimited Content managers

✔ Create multiple channels to target your content for i.e company, business unit, teams and more

My Content Channel App - Activate and use

Easiest way for activating a content App is from Valotalive Dashboard. Just click the icon of the content you wish to activate and proceed.

More detailed info of the first steps can be found here: Valotalive content App - Activate and go live

Settings on the Apps' Configuration tab

  1. Logo for upload page

    Upload your company's logo to the My Content publication tool.

  2. Channel name

    Content Managers can see this text in the My Content Channel App and use this information for targeting their messages.

    Good names include information of the location where the messages will be posted.

    If the publisher manages several displays /display groups this name is shown on the tool on a drop-down list.

    1. All content managers can select an identifying colour for the My Content Channels. This helps to keep track of what channel is being edited if a content manager is operating multiple My content channels.

  3. Content managers

    Enter the email addresses for content managers (editors)

    uploading material with + and repeating as many times as needed.

    We recommend not to use group emails, as they might be problematic with personnel changes.

    After SAVE ALL a personal publication link is sent automatically to the content manager(s). All links are sent from

    NOTE! Check the Spam folder if you cannot find the link.

  4. Company logo for posts

    Add your logo. This logo will be shown with posts in the displays if the whole content is created with My Content. If you are using My Content only for posting this logo cannot be seen.


    1. Default display time
      Default display time of the post in seconds. min. 3 max. 30 seconds

      Best practise:
      Enter a value between 10-20 seconds.
      A single page of the post showing up on the screen for too long may make your screens feel slow and lacking energy.

    2. Language
      A choice between English and Finnish available here.
      More languages are available through the settings of the My Content User interface

    3. Posted by
      Show content manager's name on display (On/Off)

    4. Animated text on screens (On/Off)
      Running typewriter text in posts made solely with My Content.
      Note! This function does not apply to PDF posts

    5. Number of posts displayed
      Add a value that is slightly greater than your average number of posts per week.

    6. Page transition animation
      Choose what kind of default animation you want for page transition

    7. Seconds per article
      How many seconds each page should be visible. If there are other timing values available, e.g. length of a video, or value added while publishing the post, they supersede this option.

    8. Posts in one show cycle
      Choose how many posts will show up on the screen before something else, e.g. your company video, has its turn.

    9. Show Valotalive logo (Yes/No)
      This logo is applied with native My Content posts. The Valotalive logo is shown on the top right corner of the display.

    10. Mute videos (Yes/No)
      Applies on videos uploaded to Valotalive cloud.

    11. Show page numbers of posts with multiple pages (Yes/No)

      Page numbers will be shown on the lower-left corner of the screens if a post has multiple pages, e.g. PDF document.

  6. Rename the App

    Rename the app by clicking the name on top of the page.

    The best practice is to name the App according the topic it covers, or target audience or display/display group the app will be assigned to.

Complete the work by adding the app to a flow or directly to a display.

Publish with My Content Channel when:

  • Your content has a start and/or end date: Schedule content to display during a specific timeframe, with a clear start and/or end date.

  • You have videos: My Content Channel is specifically designed for sharing videos.

  • You create content on the go: Perfect for creating and publishing content directly from your mobile device.

  • Your content is constantly updated: Perfect for information that's always on display and changes frequently. New additions automatically appear on screen.

  • Scheduling isn't necessary: No need to schedule individual messages. Simply add new content, and it'll show up automatically.

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